Access Keys:

Greenhaw Primary School


Primary 3/4 Numeracy focus this term:

  • Mental Maths: Counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 100s, number bonds, 2X tables, number facts, doubles and halves, mental addition.
  • Number: Missing number, number sequences, numbers before, after and in between, place value, partitioning numbers, greater than, less than, equal to, odd and even, number patterns, addition.
  • Measures: 2D shapes & properties, symmetry, time – o’clock, half past, quarter past, data handling – pictographs, basic fractions


Primary 3/4 Literacy focus this term:

  • Phonics – Focusing on a range of sounds from Initial Code into the Extended Code.
  • Comprehension – reading a text and answering questions in full sentences.
  • Grammar – Capital Letters, full stops, nouns, verbs, past tense verbs, adjectives
  • Handwriting – Following the Nelson Handwriting Scheme.
  • Creative Writing – writing poetry, 6 step writing in association with Recount Writing
  • Talking & Listening Activities
  • Seasonal Activities including Halloween Writing
  • Reading class novels – The Magic Finger & The Twits
  • Visits to the Library – learning how to take books out and return them
  • Accelerated Reading activities.


May 2023 July 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Thu 1
School closure
Fri 2
School closure
Sat 3

Sun 4

Mon 5

Tue 6

Wed 7

Thu 8
KS2 School Show 'Peter Pan' 7pm
Fri 9

Sat 10

Sun 11

Mon 12

Tue 13

Wed 14
Sports Day
Thu 15
Nursery Trip
Fri 16

Sat 17

Sun 18

Mon 19
Nursery Induction meeting 2023/24 1.45pm
Tue 20
Music Concert 1.45pm
Wed 21
P1 Induction meeting 2023/24 1.45pm
Thu 22
P1, 2 and 3 Trip
P5/6 and P6 Trip
P7 Trip
Fri 23

Sat 24

Sun 25

Mon 26
P4 and P5 Trip
Tue 27
P7 Leavers Assembly 11am
Wed 28
Nursery Leavers 10am
Thu 29

Fri 30
Finish half day


Noticeboard items here...

P3/4 News


Contact Mrs Vance


Core Links

Additional Sounds Write Resources
A Sounds Write
Books online!

Mathletics P3 to

Oak National Academy
Home Learning
Oxford owl
This website
covers many
curriculum areas
across key
stages. There
are helpful
videos on a
number of areas.

Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs
P1, P2 and P3
Books online


Oak National Academy
Home Learning
Oxford owl
This website
covers many
curriculum areas
across key
stages. There
are helpful
videos on a
number of areas.