Access Keys:

Greenhaw Primary School




  • To access and begin to use Mathletics to improve mental calculation skills.
  • To be able to count on and back in 1’s and 10’s 100.
  • To be able to count forwards and backwards in 2’s to at least 30.
  • To recognise and identify odd and even numbers. To know that the last digit indicates whether the number is odd or even.
  • To learn the quick recall of addition and subtraction facts focusing on the numbers 7 & 10.
  • To begin to learn that addition and subtraction are the inverse of each other. To use the template of a house to explore number fact families to at least 10.
  • To learn how to double numbers to at least 10.
  • To use their knowledge of doubles to mentally work out near double sums.

            Example (3 + 4) is (3 + 3) +1

Topic Maths

  • Shape: Know the names of some 3D shapes (cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, cone)
  • Weight: To use non-standard units to compare and contrast objects using bucket scales.      To introduce weighing with ½ kg and 1 kg. 
  • Money : To be able to recognise coins up to £1.                                                                         To investigate different ways to make 10p and 20p using coins.                                   To count and give change form 20p, 50p or a £1.


  • To access and begin to use Mathletics to improve mental calculation skills.
  • To be able to count on and back from any given number to 100.
  • To be able to count in sets of 2 to at least 20.
  • To be able to correctly use a number-line to count on and back to complete simple sums.
  • To recognise and understand the symbols + - =
  • To learn the quick recall of addition and subtraction facts within 10.
  • To use different counting strategies to find the missing number in a simple equation. 7 + ? = 9. To explain how they found the answer and to begin to understand that addition and subtraction are the inverse of each other.

Topic Maths

Shape :To recognise and name 2D shape extending to pentagon, hexagon and octagon.

Time: To read o’clock and half past times using analogue and digital formats

         To learn the days of the week and months of the year.



November & December

Phonics – Sounds-write programme beginning with initial code Units 3-4.

Talking and Listening

  • Listen carefully and follow instructions.
  • Listen to and take part in a range of class discussions.
  • To more clearly communicate thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas.


  • To use Reading Eggs to further develop their knowledge of key words and sounds.  
  • To read key words in line with Sounds write programme and continue to read texts from school scheme, Oxford Reading Tree.
  • To continue to develop the quick recall of the first 100 (extending to 200 if appropriate) words from school scheme.
  • To read different types of texts to support their learning of how to write instructions.


  • To be able to use their knowledge of phonics and key words to write more independently.
  • To use full stops and capital letters with increasing accuracy.
  • To understand and use the term noun and know that a noun is the name of an object, place or name of a person.
  • To begin to recognise Proper nouns and use capital letters for days of the week, months of the year and people’s names.
  • To investigate the genre of instructional writing.
  • To begin to recognise the term ‘verb’ and understand it describes actions.
  • To begin to use the term ‘bossy verbs’ when writing instructions.
  • To know that order is important when recording instructions.
  • To be able to write on a line keeping letters consistent in size and forming letters accurately


Phonics – Sounds-write programme beginning with initial code.

Talking and Listening

  • To listen to and take part in a range of class discussions.
  • To begin to clearly communicate thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas.
  • To be able to follow class instructions to complete tasks more independently.


  • To access and begin to use Reading Eggs to further develop their knowledge of key words.
  • To read key words in line with Sounds write programme and continue to read texts from school scheme, Oxford Reading Tree.
  • To develop the quick recall of key words from school scheme.
  • To read for pleasure and enjoyment.


  • To be able to use their knowledge of phonics and key words to write more independently.
  • To use full stops and capital letters with increasing accuracy.
  • To understand the term noun and know that a noun is the name of an object, place or name of a person.
  • To recognise nouns in simple texts.
  • To be able to write on a line forming letters more accurately.
  • The focus for this term writing genre is on how to write instructions.


December 2024 February 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wed 1
School Closure, Christmas
Thu 2
School Closure, Christmas
Fri 3
School Closure, Christmas
Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6

Tue 7
P7 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am
Wed 8

Thu 9

Fri 10

Sat 11

Sun 12

Mon 13

Tue 14
P5 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am
Wed 15

Thu 16

Fri 17

Sat 18
Do this in Memory of Me - Mass (6pm )
Sun 19

Mon 20

Tue 21
P6 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am
Wed 22

Thu 23

Fri 24

Sat 25

Sun 26

Mon 27

Tue 28

Wed 29

Thu 30

Fri 31



  • To be able to control and use a mouse to access and use different applications.
  • To be able to type their name and compose simple sentences to create and an invitation.

WAU Topic : Them Bones

Children will learn all about their bones and skeletons, plus discover how to keep their bones strong and healthy.

Monster Boxes

We hope to make ‘Monster Boxes’.  Can you please send in an empty box. This can be anything from a tissue box to a cereal or shoe box.  Your child has designed their box so feel free to send in any art and craft materials that would help them.

Thanks for your support.


P3 News

16th Dec 2024
A massive congratulations to the children from P3 and 4 on an amazing production...
13th Dec 2024
Congratulations to all the children who got 'Pupil of the Week' this week! Keep up...
6th Dec 2024
Congratulations to the children who were awarded Pupil of the Week over the past...

Contact Miss Gillespie


Core Links

Additional Sounds Write Resources
A Sounds Write
Books online!

Mathletics P3 to

Oak National Academy
Home Learning
Oxford owl
This website
covers many
curriculum areas
across key
stages. There
are helpful
videos on a
number of areas.

Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs
P1, P2 and P3