Access Keys:

Greenhaw Primary School


Learning for November /December

Mental Maths 

-quick recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables

-doubling and halving numbers within 100 (and beyond for some)

-counting in 2's, 5's, 10's

adding and taking away 9, 10 and 11 within 100

-understanding mathematical language for adding, taking away and multiplication (sheet stuck in Maths homework book)


-addition with exchange

-rounding numbers to nearest 10 and nearest 100

-adding and taking away 9, 10,11

- vertical subtraction

Shape and Space

-sorting 3D shape according to their properties and use of terms 'vertices' and 'edges' Making Christmas 3D shapes

Handling Data

-fractions including half an quarter. Looking at half and quarters of numbers and shapes

-venn diagrams


-Time including o'clock, half past and quarter past: analogue and digital

-ordering and understanding units of time  including second, minute, hour, day, days of the week and months of the year.

-Using a ruler to measure in cm and mm. Draw lines in cm and half cm

Children should aim to get 1000 points in Mathletics each week by logging into the App at home (as part of Maths homework)



-continue to spell words with cvcc ccvc sounds

-focus on words with tch/ th/ck /ng spelling patterns

Grammar and Comprehension

-use capital letters appropriately in sentences

-Question marks and exclaimation marks

-interesting adjectives

-Weekly comprehension work


- Recount writing and in particular focusing on diary writing using the 'six step' approach

-Poetry writing

-Handwriting- continuing to reinforce shape and size of tall and long letters on lined handwriting paper


-Novels - The Twits  by Roald Dahl. Diary of the big bad wolf by Ben Millar

-Monthly library visits to Shantallow Library to borrow books

-Children should complete Accelerated Reading quizzes at home on reading books as they read them


World Around Us topic this term is Home Sweet Home


April 2024 June 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wed 1

Thu 2

Fri 3

Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6
School Closure
Tue 7

Wed 8

Thu 9

Fri 10

Sat 11

Sun 12

Mon 13

Tue 14

Wed 15

Thu 16
KS2 Show 6pm
Fri 17

Sat 18

Sun 19

Mon 20

Tue 21
Nursery Induction Day 1.30-2.30pm
Wed 22
Nursery Induction Day 1.30-2.30pm
Thu 23

Fri 24
P1, 2 & 3 Trip
Sat 25

Sun 26

Mon 27
School Closure
Tue 28
School Closure
Wed 29
School Closure
Thu 30
School Closure
Fri 31
School Closure


Noticeboard items here...

P4 News

18th Dec 2024
The p4s had a great time at the cinema watching Moana 2. It was a lovely little...
16th Dec 2024
A massive congratulations to the children from P3 and 4 on an amazing production...
13th Dec 2024
Congratulations to all the children who got 'Pupil of the Week' this week! Keep up...

Core Links

Books online


Oak National Academy
Home Learning
Oxford owl
This website
covers many
curriculum areas
across key
stages. There
are helpful
videos on a
number of areas.


Contact Mrs Cunningham