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- Primary 4 - Mrs Cunningham
Welcome to Mrs Cunningham's class page.
This page as been set up to provide parents/guardians with a broad overview of the areas of learning in Maths, Literacy and WAU in P4. This page will also include useful information and dates that you may need to be aware of throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding areas of the curriculum or any other queries please feel free to contact me through my email address.
Learning for January/ February
Mental Maths
-consilidation of 2, 5 and 10 times tables
-using multiplication facts to solve problems
-understanding value of digits
-addition with exchange
-subtraction with regrouping (borrowing)
-Number problems
Shape and Space
Handling Data
-fractions including half an quarter. Looking at half and quarters of numbers and shapes
-venn diagrams
-Digital time
-5 minute intervals around the clock to half past
- units of time including seconds, minutes and hours. Using knowledge to solve time problems
-Using a ruler to measure in cm and mm. Draw lines in cm and half cm. Converting mm to cm and cm to metres
-understanding and measuring in metres and half metres
Children should aim to get 1000 points in Mathletics each week by logging into the App at home (as part of Maths homework)
-continue to spell words with cvcc ccvc sounds
-focus on words with qu spelling patterns
- look at spellings with same sounds/ different spellings: <a> ay, ea, a, ai
Grammar and Comprehension
-Question marks and exclaimation marks
-Weekly comprehension work
-continue to ensure correct punctuation is being applied in writing including capital letters for names, places, days of week and months of year as well as question marks and exclaimation marks
- Persuasive writing and in particular focusing on 'Advertisement' writing using the six step' approach
-Winter alliteration poems
-Handwriting- continuing to reinforce shape and size of tall and long letters on lined handwriting paper and to apply it in all written work
-Novel- Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl
-Monthly library visits to Shantallow Library to borrow books
-Children should complete Accelerated Reading quizzes at home on reading books as they read them
World Around Us topic this term is 'Food for thought'
Children will be preparing for the sacraments of 'Reconcilliation' and 'First Communion' through the 'Grow In Love' theme and lessons. They will also be learning prayers including: Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Act of Sorrow, morning and night prayers
Weekly Mandarin lessons will continue this term
December 2024 | February 2025 | |||||
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Wed 1 School Closure, Christmas |
Thu 2 School Closure, Christmas |
Fri 3 School Closure, Christmas |
Sat 4 |
Sun 5 | ||
Mon 6 |
Tue 7 P7 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 8 |
Thu 9 |
Fri 10 |
Sat 11 |
Sun 12 |
Mon 13 |
Tue 14 P5 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 15 |
Thu 16 |
Fri 17 |
Sat 18 Do this in Memory of Me - Mass (6pm ) |
Sun 19 |
Mon 20 |
Tue 21 P6 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 22 |
Thu 23 |
Fri 24 |
Sat 25 |
Sun 26 |
Mon 27 |
Tue 28 P4 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 29 |
Thu 30 |
Fri 31 |
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Core Links
covers many
curriculum areas
across key
stages. There
are helpful
videos on a
number of areas.
Greenhaw Primary School,
Carnhill Estate,
BT48 8BA
Tel:028 7135 1908