2019/2020 School Year
21st May 2020
Some excellent work from Miss Ramsay's class this week. It was lovely to hear from...
1st May 2020
P6 continue to push themselves at home by creating these wonderfully detailed biographies. ...
1st May 2020
Wow what an amazing achievement!! Not only did they appear in the top 10 in the...
- All
- P 1/2 - Miss Wilson
- Accelerated Reading
- Clubs
- Eco School
- Extended schools
- Learning Support
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Nursery
- P 3/4 - Mrs Vance
- P1 - Mrs McFadden
- P2 - Mrs Concannon
- P3 - Miss Gillespie
- P4 - Mrs Cunningham
- P5 - Mrs McGrellis
- P5 - Mrs O'Donnell
- P6 - Mr Smith
- P6 - Mrs Gallick
- P7 - Mr Martin
- Reading Eggs
- Rights Respecting School Award
- World Around Us
Greenhaw Primary School,
Carnhill Estate,
BT48 8BA
Tel:028 7135 1908