2018/2019 School Year
10th Apr 2019
Yesterday we had a performance by some musicians who will be performing at this...
26th Sep 2018
On Friday Mrs O'Donnell's class performed their assembly for the school. Our assembly...
- All
- P 1/2 - Miss Wilson
- Accelerated Reading
- Clubs
- Eco School
- Extended schools
- Learning Support
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Nursery
- P 3/4 - Mrs Vance
- P1 - Mrs McFadden
- P2 - Mrs Concannon
- P3 - Miss Gillespie
- P4 - Mrs Cunningham
- P5 - Mrs McGrellis
- P5 - Mrs O'Donnell
- P6 - Mr Smith
- P6 - Mrs Gallick
- P7 - Mr Martin
- Reading Eggs
- Rights Respecting School Award
- World Around Us
Greenhaw Primary School,
Carnhill Estate,
BT48 8BA
Tel:028 7135 1908