Health Promotion Week 2020!
Today our nursery children had the privilege of visiting St. Mary's college to participate in their Health Promotion Week. There was so much excitement for our children (especially the ones who hadn't been on a bus before)! The children engaged in fundamental movement skills catered to their age and stage of development. They participated in a group warm up, had a gymnastics session, played mini -games, and ended with a fun game of tag! The children were exhausted (so were the staff) after the session had finished!
Our nursery team would like to say a massive thank you, to P.E teachers, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Gibbons, for a fantastically organised morning. The St. Mary's students who helped coach the sessions and look after our wee ones so well, were also fabulous. Safe to say that the children will all be tucked up in bed early tonight!
Greenhaw Primary School,
Carnhill Estate,
BT48 8BA
Tel:028 7135 1908