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Greenhaw Primary School


2018/2019 School Year

23rd Jan 2019
Miss Gillespie and Miss Wilson's P3 children had a fantastic day at St.Mary's College...
23rd Jan 2019
Mrs Cunningham and Miss Mc Callion's P1 children visited St. Mary's College this...
23rd Jan 2019
The PATHS programme is a social - emotional curriculum which helps children to understand...
23rd Jan 2019
Today we had a few 90s footballers in class giving us a hand with position and direction....
23rd Jan 2019
In class we imagined what views and sights Irish immigrants to America saw...
23rd Jan 2019
To finish our 'Hunger' topic we wrote imaginative diary extracts by placing...
22nd Jan 2019
This month in nursery, our theme is Winter time, including the exploration of arctic...
21st Jan 2019
In Primary 6 we have held our first class council of 2019. A number of issues...
18th Jan 2019
As I drove to school this week I was drawn to an old oak tree I hadn't noticed before....
17th Jan 2019
A big thank you to all of the parents and children who came along to our open day...