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Greenhaw Primary School

P7 Leavers

26th Jun 2024

Dear Parents,  

After an emotional leavers' assembly, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support, kind words, and the generous gifts you have given us. Your thoughtfulness and appreciation have truly touched our hearts, and we feel incredibly grateful.  

This assembly served as a bittersweet moment, as we bade farewell to our wonderful students who are moving on to the next stage in their journey. It is a time to reflect on the memories we have shared, the growth we have witnessed, and the bonds that have been formed. We are immensely proud of each and every one of them. 

Throughout the years, we have seen these children grow and flourish. Their unique personalities, talents, and achievements have made a lasting impact on our school community. We are confident that they will continue to shine brightly in their future endeavours.  

As we navigate through the mixed emotions of saying goodbye, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to you, the parents, for your unwavering support. Your partnership, encouragement, and involvement have been invaluable in shaping the educational experiences of these children.   

Please let them know how immensely proud we are of their accomplishments and remind them that they have a strong foundation to build upon as they embark on their new journey. May their future be filled with exciting opportunities, personal growth, and fulfilment. We will always be here for them!  

With heartfelt appreciation and warm regards,  

Mr Martin & Mr Smith   

Great Expectations  

It’s time to say good-bye

Our time has come to an end.

We've made more cherished memories

and many more new friends.  

We’ve watched your child learn and grow

and change from day to day.

We hope that all the things we’ve done

Have helped in some small way.  

So it’s with happy memories

We send them out the door,

With great hope and expectations

for what next year holds in store.

**Special mention of thanks to photographer, Jim McCafferty, for capturing so many special moments throughout the year!