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Greenhaw Primary School


2018/2019 School Year

15th Jan 2019
Our first class assembly was all about New Years Resolutions. We are looking forward...
11th Jan 2019
Today our School Council introduced themselves to the whole school and talked about...
2nd Jan 2019
Admissions process for Primary 1 and Nursery September 2019 has begun today. Please...
19th Dec 2018
The children from the school choir have shown amazing dedication over the past number...
18th Dec 2018
Today we had a very special visitor to our nursery, year one and year two classes!...
16th Dec 2018
Well done to all of our nursery children who participated so well in our show "A...
14th Dec 2018
Well done to all the P1 and P2 children on a fantastic production of the Nativity...
14th Dec 2018
Well done to all the P1 and P2 children on a fantastic production of the Nativity...
10th Dec 2018
Greenhaw Primary and Nursery School Carol Service will take place this Thursday...
7th Dec 2018
Today saw excited parents descend upon the school in huge crowds for the the KS1...